How to get out of my sadness

Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

I am not good. I am cruel. I have done very wrong things. 
All this happened because of me. 
I am the reason for everything. 
Oh God! Why you did this to me.
My mind is asking me to do suicide.
What should I do?
Why this happened only to me?
Why I am not able to come out of me?
Should I die to solve all this?
Will this end, if aI end my life?
My life is gone.
Save me.
He cheated me.
Why he cheated me?

Are you getting thoughts like this? Is your mind voice telling this again and again?

You are not alone. You came to the right place.

Problems are not real. Let's discuss further.

Before you take any action. Let's analyze your problem. Best way to analyze your problem is to draw in a paper. If you really don't have time and you are about to suicide, let's skip this and go to next topic.

Write down your main problem in a paper. Circle it.

Against that problem write all your thoughts around main problem. Circle those problems. Draw a connecting line to sub problem.

From sub problem write down possible after effects of each sub problem.

A devil inside you

Before you go further, please see below video:

Consider voice in your head is devil's voice. As mentioned in the video, just acknowledge there is a voice. It's devil's voce. They are not real. They are like a bad dream. Like dream it makes you to think all negative cases as real to you. Devil has only one aim - Make you suicide.

Take a look on your thoughts (Or we can refer to this thoughts as a mind voice) consciously. If you wrote your thoughts, read it consciously. Try to focus.

Please answer me below questions:

How can you confirm is this really happened?

If this is real and you have a proof, what can happen worst.

Is it worth to give my life for this problem.

Who will loose if I die?

Who will win if I die?

Just listen to your thought and 

A divine nature

Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

This is my favorite part. If there is a devil in your mind, there is a God also. A divine real nature given to us. But it is sleeping in you. You have to awaken the divine nature "Consciousness". I am not saying as a first step you can kill devil inside and immediately get out of your problems and become a realized soul.

Atleast you can reduce the power of devil and weaken your voice in head.

If I were you, first and last step is to stop thinking. But as a common man its not possible. Only way is to involve in some activity to kill thoughts. But devil inside you will not allow it. It will drag you to bed and will not allow you to do any activity. 

Only person that can overcome this is - YOU. You have to wake up. As a next step, listen to some spiritual audio. Put it in youtube and hear it completely. If you are relegious, hear Bible, Bhagavatham, Bhagavat gita OR read or hear book - Power Of Now. Make sure you hear it from start to end whatever days it take. May be you have to repeat this activity many times. At the end of the audio you will be a completely new person. I am not saying problems will be solved. But you can approach problem with a different mindset. You will be strong enough to face problems.